Miracle & Wonder of Sai Baba a Shirdi

Miracles & Wonders Of Sai Baba

Sai Baba of Shirdi, also known as Shirdi Sai Baba, is regarded by his devotees as a Saint and a Fakir. Om Sri Sai Nathaaya Namaha” (Lord Sai) is known for many of his miracles. Here are a few of his divine Miracles.

Miracle of Sai Baba and Chand Bhai’s Horse

‘Dhoopkhede’ a small village in Aurangabad district, in Maharashtra in which there lived a man named Chand bhai who was the Patel of that village. One fine day he lost his horse. Chand bhai looked and searched for his horse everywhere in the village. Chand bhai looked for his horse almost 14 Koss (42km almost) but was disappointed as he couldn’t find his horse. While wandering around he came across a fakir who was sitting under a mango tree, The fakir had a cap on his head, who was wearing a ‘Kafni’ (long robe) and had a ‘Satka’ (short stick). The Fakir asked Chand bhai about the saddle he was holding in his hand. Chand bhai replied sadly that it was of his horse which is lost. The Fakir asked worried Chand bhai to search for his lost horse near the Nala close by. He went there and the wonder of wonders! He actually found his horse. Chand bhai was overwhelmed and he thought this fakir was not any ordinary man, but a Holy saint. He requested the fakir to come to his home and accept his hospitality. After some days there was a marriage ceremony in Chand bhai’s house; the marriage procession happened in Shirdi. The fakir also accompanied the marriage ceremony. When the marriage procession came to Shirdi, it arrived at a Banyan tree in Bhagat Mhalsapati’s field near Khandoba’s temple. Bhagat Mhalsapati saw the Fakir getting down and said to Him “YA SAI” (Welcome Sai). Listening to that others also started addressing the fakir as Sai and hence-forth he became known as “Sai Baba”.

Miracle of Sai Baba Lighting lamps (diya) with Water

Sai Baba was always fond of lighting lamps (diyas) in the Masjid and other Temples. But the oil used to light those lamps were given by the shopkeepers of Shirdi out of generosity. He had made it a daily ritual to light earthenware lamps in the masjid every evening and he would call on the grocers for small donations. Suddenly there was a day when the grocers got fed up of giving free oil to Sai Baba and they refused to oblige him, saying they had no fresh stocks. Sai Baba returned to the masjid empty handed. Sai poured water into the lamps instead of oil and lighted the wicks. Surprisingly the lamp continued to burn throughout the whole night. The grocers came to know about this incident and went to visit Sai baba to ask for an apology. Sai Baba pardoned them, but he warned them to not lie again. This is one of the exceptional miracles of Sai Baba.

Miracle of Sai Baba Stopping The Rain

Long time ago, A man name Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Fradhan had come to Shirdi along with his wife to receive blessings from Sai Baba. As it was the time for the couple to leave, it began to rain heavily. It started thundering and lighting. As the couple began to get worried and stressed, Sai Baba prayed, “Oh Allah!” he intoned, “let the rains cease. My children are going home. Let them go peacefully!” The storm immediately calmed down, The heavy rain reduced to slight drizzle and the couple were able to reach their home safely.

You can experience Sai Baba’s miracles at Sai Teerth Devotional Theme Park Shirdi in Sabka Malika Ek show. Please do visit us to have a unforgettable experience!


The Miraculous Life of Sai Baba of Shirdi

Sai Baba of Shirdi, revered as a saint and spiritual leader, profoundly impacted countless lives through his teachings and miraculous deeds. His life is a treasure trove of inspiring stories that continue to nurture faith among devotees worldwide. Let’s delve into some of the most cherished miracles attributed to Sai Baba:

Lighting Lamps with Water: In Shirdi’s Dwarkamai mosque, Sai Baba would illuminate earthen lamps every evening. When local shopkeepers, weary of his requests, refused to provide oil, Baba filled the lamps with water instead. Astonishingly, the lamps burned brightly throughout the night, humbling the shopkeepers and inspiring them to seek forgiveness for their disbelief.

The Return of Chand Bhai’s Horse: Chand Bhai, the headman of Dhoopkhede village, despaired after losing his horse. He encountered Sai Baba under a mango tree, who directed him to search near a stream. Following this guidance, Chand Bhai miraculously found his horse exactly where Baba had indicated. Filled with gratitude, Chand Bhai invited Baba to his home, and during a subsequent marriage procession, he welcomed Baba with the words “Ya Sai,” marking the beginning of Baba’s well-known name.

Calming the Storm: As Shirdi prepared for the joyous Ram Navami festival, ominous clouds threatened to disrupt the celebrations. Concerned devotees turned to Sai Baba for help. He calmly reassured them and then stepped outside, seemingly commanding the storm to cease. Miraculously, the winds subsided, and the clouds dispersed, allowing the festivities to proceed without interruption.

The Levitating Plank: Baba often slept on a narrow wooden plank suspended from the mosque ceiling by thin threads. While this unusual arrangement fascinated devotees, Baba discouraged discussions about it. Ultimately, he removed the plank altogether, ending this particular display of his extraordinary abilities.

Healing with Udi: Sai Baba frequently shared “Udi,” sacred ash from his dhuni (sacred fire), believed to possess healing properties. Numerous accounts testify to individuals suffering from various ailments finding relief after receiving and applying Udi from Baba. This ash became a cherished symbol of his blessings and comfort for many.

The Vision of Lord Rama: Devotee Das Ganu struggled with translating certain passages of the Bhagavad Gita into Hindi. Seeking guidance from Sai Baba, he was directed to Kaka Saheb’s house in Ville Parle. There, a maidservant unexpectedly provided the clarity he sought. This encounter demonstrated that true knowledge transcends social status and was orchestrated by Sai Baba himself. 

The Broken Brick: Sai Baba cherished a simple brick he used as a pillow during rest. When it accidentally broke, he expressed deep sorrow over its loss. This seemingly insignificant event offered a profound lesson to devotees, highlighting the importance of humility and simplicity in life.

Presence Beyond Mahasamadhi: Even after Sai Baba’s Mahasamadhi in 1918, many devotees reported experiencing his presence in various forms – some saw him in dreams offering guidance, while others felt his intervention during times of crisis.

These experiences reinforced the belief that Baba’s spirit continued to watch over and assist his followers beyond physical existence. These narratives illuminate Sai Baba’s profound compassion and wisdom. His miracles served as powerful lessons, guiding devotees towards faith, humility, and an awareness of the divine in everyday life.